J Interior Design 名片設計 第二版




It’s been a few months since the design was printed, but recently I’ve done a lot of projects related to business card design, and I’ve had some feelings in my heart, so I’d like to talk about the purpose of the business card, the client is a senior who I’ve known for many years, and is currently operating J Design’s Hung Shih-kit interior designer. But when we discussed it, we switched the main purpose to a social environment, when people take out the business card to communicate to attract the eyes of the surrounding mainly, all the clear information in the current environment is no longer the focus, the curiosity to see the curiosity attraction is what we think the positioning of this business card design.
The overall design logic is to place the name and phone number in the middle and appropriately treat all other information as decoration to deal with the balance of the whole picture.
However, it is important to note that it is not the clarity of the information that is not important, but the purpose of the business card is different, so not every industry is suitable for this design.

  • 客戶這設計
  • 專案時間2020
  • 領域類別品牌標誌logo設計、平面設計